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my rebeliuos lab/blue heeler

19 9:03:19

Are dog knows to go to the door if he wants to go outside. He is almost a year old. But about twice a month he always decides that he doesnt want to go to the door. So he will sit and pee or poop. And then when he get in trouble for it he almost glares at you and does it again, like he is being rebelious. How do we fix this problem we are really losing our patience.

Hello Andrew,

Your dog is not a human. He is not rebellious or suffering from any other human malady. In fact he is a puppy. And puppies have accidents. Two accidents a month is not outrageous for a puppy.

My guess is he "glares" at you and does it again not because he's rebellious but because he sees the anger in your face and you quite frankly scare the sh** out of him when you look that way.

The solution would be for you to set up a regular, consistent and rigorous schedule for your pup to go potty. Feed him at the same times every day and see that he goes outside to his spot at the same times every day. If you are consistent he doesn't need to signal you to potty. You will train his mind and body that at certain times every day, without fail he will be able to relieve himself in the proper place. Dogs are not malicious like we humans. Your pup wants to please you and for you not to be angry with him. Help him out by giving him a consistent schedule, consistent feeding times and a little forgiveness if he makes a mistake.

Good Luck!