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4yr. old doxi keeps peeing in my dining room!

18 17:59:51

My 4 year. old dachshund was stolen from me when she was less than a year. old, during that short period of time I was in the middle of house breaking her and she was doing pretty well with it. I tried to find her for months on end with no luck. Well after I moved three years. ago I got a call from the rescue shelter I bought her from saying that they found a stray dog with a microchip with my information in it. I immediately knew it was her! When I got her home she seemed a little different than the vivacious, bold puppy she was when I got her, I figured it was the result of being in a new place, well I took her to a dog specialist who then determined that she was Definitely abused by whomever stole her. His recommendation was to treat her with lots of very tender, quiet affection. Well it's been at least two years since then and while her old demeanor has returned and I did every thing he recommended, she STILL continues to pee and defecate in my formal dining room ( very close to where the front door is.) (She does go to the door and bark and/or whine when she wants to go for a walk.) I have tried disciplining her and even keeping her in close proximity to me but as soon as I turn my back she has done it AGAIN!!! My carpet (and my parents) can't take much more, I don't want to have to give her away but I am at a loss for what to do, PLEASE HELP US!!!

Hi, Cierra!  I would suggest crate training and also a dog potty training bell first.  See my blog - .  You may also consider an indoor dog restroom like this one - .  Be sure to neutralize the odor anywhere your Doxie goes in the house by cleaning with a mixture of 50/50 vinegar and water.  If you don't, she may always be tempted to go there again later.  Also, usually discipline doesn't work well with dogs - they just don't understand it.  Intervention or distraction works best.  So, when you catch her in the act make a loud clap, whistle or something to get her attention and immediately pick her up and take her where you want her to finish.  Also, if you haven't already established a specific potty area outside you may want to place some of her poop and a towel you have used to clean up pee in a designated spot for her to sniff and see where you want her to go.  Good luck!