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My Puppy Poops in her Crate When Im Gone

19 9:00:32

I have a 3 month old rat terrier.So far she has done great going potty outside. I am a stay at home mom so she is rarely left alone--but we do put her in her crate at home when we can't watch her. The longest we leave her is 3 hours. She always goes potty outside before we leave. But when we do leave, she goes potty in her crate. I think she does this because she is mad we are gone. What do I do?

Hi Ester,

Your dog is not peeing in the crate because she is mad. She's a baby! She's 3 months old for goodness sakes. I never understand why people think puppies are capable of getting mad when they just barely have sphincter control. She is obviously telling you that 3 hours is too long for her. Cut down her time alone to ensure success and you'll do fine.
