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my dog has problems liking my dad

19 9:00:30

Hi! My name is heather and i have a 7 mo. old cocker spaniel cavalier mix puppy named buddy. He is friendly towards everyone but he does not like my step father he shies away when he tries to pet him take him out the bathroom he just doesn't like him. But my dog doesn't act that way towards any other males in my family. Do you know what i could do to help my puppy to like my dad enough not to run from him every time he enters a room or bark obsessively at him ?

Hi Heather,

Have your step father start taking Buddy for walks and feeding him. Advise him not to attempt to pet Buddy unless Buddy initiates contact.

In summary, your step dad should remain aloof toward Buddy while providing the things that he most values in life. Keep this up for a few weeks and Buddy will warm up considerably.

Good luck!
