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dogs staying home

19 9:01:44

I have two labs 1 & 1 1/2 that wont stay home, even when I'm out with them.  I have ten acres and had radio collars for them but they chewed them off each other.  ($300.00 down the drain).  The love all of the neighbors. I don't know what to do, my husband wants me to sell them.

You have several choices, Linda:

1. Only take them out on leash,
2. Fence in an area for them,
3. Be more interesting! It sounds to me like they think the neighbors are all much more interesting than you are. Have you done any training with them? If not, that would be one way to bond with them and get them a little more under control at the same time.

If they are not neutered, doing so will also curb their desire to roam.