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My dogs dont get along at all!

19 9:01:27

We adopted Bella, a corgi mix, 4 yrs ago. She was 6 weeks old when we got her, and she has been great.
Back in June we decided to adopt another puppy, Zoey. She is a beagle corgi mix. They we ok at first but then Zoey started jumping on Bella. Bella knew she was a puppy and let it go.
Now 5 months later, they have full out fights all the time. Zoey is a little bigger than Bella and still jumps on top of her and bites her.
For the past 5 months we have been trying to get them to get along, trying training method after training method. Nothing has worked. We have to kept them separated. We want to be able to have them both out in the house or in the backyard at the same time but they just don't get along.
We love them both and don't want to give Zoey up. We called the rescue and the lady was really mean and was saying that if we couldn't take care of her why did we get her?
Zoey is completely up to date on all of her shots and isn't yet spayed because she is just a little bit too young.We really love her and if we have to give her away we want to make sure that she is in a loving home and is being taken care of.
We can't live with two dogs that don't get along. We just don't know what to do.... Please help us or head us in the right direction.
If you know of any inexpensive trainers in the Albany, NY area who can help please let us know.
Thank You in advance.

Hello Samantha,
You have the right idea on getting a trainer.  Unfortunately, I'm in the Washington DC area and am not familiar with your area.   I suggest you contact some reputable rescue groups and ask for trainers they recommend that will come to your home.   I'm sorry your rescue group gave you such a nasty reply.  They obviusly don't care about the dogs once they are placed.  A "REAL" rescue group would be there to support you for any problem you might encounter.
Why do you think she isn't old enough to spay?  I would do that immediately because as the females mature, they can be ...   well, bitches.   Bossy and want to be in control.   When you spay a dog, it takes the hormones away and they are not as bad.   The early you spay a dog, the better she will be.      Take a look at the following website -- it gives a lot of good tips on working with two dogs in the same household.   On the home page, look for Robin's Pet Tips.