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House Training Yorkie Pup

19 9:05:43

Hi there,
I have a Yorkie - she is 8 months old now and still isn't getting the potty training thing!  We also have 2 Golden Retrievers (adults) who help by telling me they need to go out and she follows.  Our Yorkie though doesn't always "tell" us - and she has picked a specific room to descrecrate, which she will do at her own leisure!  I have her crate trained for night and I have provided a "doggy box" in the crate for her to use, which she will if she needs to go during the night or if we are trying to sleep in!  I have provided a similar box in the same room and place where she has choosen to go but she ignores it.  I am not sure if it is a problem of mis-reading her signals, if she is stubborn, or what.  We try not to punish her for the accidents but immediately deposit her outside and tell her to go potty.  I am going to steam clean the room to rid the carpet of the smell, break out the kid gates from when the Golden's were pups and attempt to keep her out of the room she has picked as her potty spot.  I am just not sure how to help her.  I let her out often, which she will go out and dink around then come back in and next time I walk through the house I will notice she came back in to go in "her" room.
I understand from research that it takes time - but I am having a hard time deciding if she is training me or if she needs to go out even more often.  I can have her in the car with me all day and she will not have an accident and wait until we stop at a park.  I am trying to be gentle yet it's driving us nuts!  (mostly me as the Mom because apparently Mom-vision is the only type that "sees" the accidents - teenagers and husbands don't have this vision in my house!)  I also have tried the "Pet Control" spray in this room to dissuade her from entering but it doesn't work.
Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated!

Hi Brandi,
I would recommend looking at my other answers for answers to your general house training questions. One answer can be found at for suggestions. Make sure you understand the difference between a long-term confinement area and the crate. Dogs should not go potty in the crate. It should only be used for confinement and to motivate her to hold it longer. If you are going to be gone longer than she can hold it, use a long-term confinement area with a litter  box or puppy pad. You also need to do a much better job of watching your puppy. If you can't watch her, she should be in the confinement area or the crate.

You can also see a complete house training strategy by visiting my online dog training site:

Good luck!