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dog urinating in highrise hall

19 9:02:35

We are not dog owners, but generally like dogs.  We recently moved into a very lovely highrise building on Chicago's lakefront.  The problem is my neighbors 5 year old poodle, Frances, who urinates on the hallway rugs and in the elevator.  The neighbor, a seemingly nice person denies that the dog is doing this, but at the same time she is out in the hall at times spraying with a special product to remove dog urine.  The rugs in the hall were recently replaced and now are spotted with new (and wet) spots.  Can't she retrain the dog to wait until it gets outside?  Thanks for any help you could give.

Hello Helen,

Sigh... You have described a very delicate situation that requires the utmost in diplomacy. Hopefully you realize that dog owners view their dogs like their children. The merest hint of criticism can lead to extreme unpleasantness.

Of course her dog can be retrained not to soil the hallway. The bigger issue would be whether the owner will admit there is a problem.

I would suggest you engage your neighbor in gentle conversation about the joys of dogs. Discreetly mention how a fictitious friend found fulfillment in having her dog professionally trained. Mention my website and prod your neighbor to explore the possibility of experiencing this same sublime joy with her pissy pet. Mention how Frances would surely be in doggy heaven if given the opportunity to have formal education.

Probably at some level your neighbor realizes that Frances needs help. Hopefully a gentle prod by you could help your neighbor, Frances and the community carpet all have a better life.

Good Luck!