Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > retrieving


18 17:50:44

I have about a 2 yr old female Papillion.  She will retrieve things in the house but not outside.  She is a smart little gal that knows her toys by names, and will bring the right one to you when asked for.  She likes to play in the house and will look for the toy until she finds it, even if being hidden from her.  However she will not retrieve anything outside, even her favorite toys.  How do I teach her to fetch and bring them back.  In the house she will bring them close to you but not to where you are sitting, i.e. chair, floor.  She seems to be a fast learner but will not do this, no matter how patient we are with her or try to give her treats when and if she will bring it back.

First you teach the dog to come to you, various common obedience training steps do this. stay-return, stay come, stay come running recall. Then introduce the objects and have the dog carry them to you from the stay starting position. [bring, give drop] Then move to toss and retreive.  When the dog comes near but not to you, it is controlling the play action thus training you to do what it wants. If the dog does not bring the item to you, move away and make the dog bring it closer. If the dog doesn't walk away and not play withit for a few minutes.


henry ruhwiedel