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18 17:49:08

Hi Dog nanny me and my mom were thinking about recieving a maltese puppy. what is a regular feeding-walking-pooping schedule for a maltese puppy and as it grows

HI Conner:

Maltese, like any other dog need at least a minimum of an hour a day for walking, (less when puppies).  Spending 30 minutes on training a day is also beneficial.  This training time however can be broken down into 15 or 10 minute sessions.

The general rule of thumb for potty training is that for each month they are old you can expect them to hold it one hour.  So a 2 month old Puppy needs to go every two hours, a Four month old every four etc.  Small dogs are often thought to not be able to go past the 5 hour mark, unless sleeping at night, where as larger breeds can make 6-7 hours between potty breaks.

To assist with potty training a feeding schedule is thought best, so puppies if possible should be fed from 3-6 times a day, dependant on your schedule.

As small breeds tend to not get as much exercise as larger breeds (owner perceived responsibilities), their food intake can vary dependant on exercise.  IE:- If they have not be very active during the day, they will eat less than when they have been.

Usual suggestions for feeding an adult dog is twice a day.  Morning and Evening.  Some people even throw in Lunch, making 3 smaller meals a day rather than one large meal a day.