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4 year old weimariner

19 8:57:02

My dog is 4 years old she has never had a problem with going to the bathroom in the house. I became pregnant in January and around March she starting going to the bathroom in my basement.  I gated the basement off so she couldnt get down there but now she is going in my dinning room in the same spot.  My house stinks so bad i dont know how to get the smell out of the carpet and to get her to stop. what should i do?? Please help

The easy part is the smell. Bleach + Odo-Ban, + Natures Miracle.

Pregnancy causes the body chemistry to change. Dogs and other animals can sense the change in body odor caused by hormone and other changes. Likely the daily routine has also changed, more time with the doctors, less time with the dog. Basic potty training doesn't change with age. Take the dog out, praise it when it goes outside. Wait a few minutes before going back in the house. s soon as you are inside, make sure the dog has some activity to get its mind off potty. If you catch the dog in the act, tell it NO! and immediately take it outside and wait until it goes before going back in again.

THis is similar to sibling rivalry issues where one child that has been the center of attention must suddenly adapt to mom is pregnant and the arrival of another baby that consumes a lot of parents time and takes away from the time spent with the first born. With children, we can explain it to them and help them understand, with dogs, cats, etc, we have to explain it in actions and affection. The dog is already sensing that it is no longer #1 in your life.  

This is usually a single pet family issue. The more pets there are, the more time they spend together and the less dependent they are on spending time with us. It can also happen if one pet is very active and the other is inactive and a new active member is added.