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when will yorkie puppy make it thru the night?

19 9:10:52

My yorkie male is 4 1/2 mths old.  he just cannot make it through the night.  he wakes up around 2:30 to 3 am. and needs to go outside and pee and he always poops at that time.  He can then go until around 6 or 6:30.  
He doesn't eat after 7pm.  He really doesn't have a set eating time.  I am trying to make sure the food is up at 7pm. I feed him 3 times a day, usually at 7am. then he doesn't eat until 1 or 2, and then around 6:30 or 7.  should I go down to 2 feedings.  he is now 6lbs.
he does pretty good with the training during the day as long as we really watch him.  If he goes in the house, it is always right by the door.  He will go to the door, but doesn't bark to go out yet, I heard about trying to get him to use a bell, but have been looking for a bell and haven't found anything to use yet.
He still really likes to chew and bite, but he has lots of toys.  He is a sweetheart, and I love him dearly, but would like to be able to sleep all night.
Any suggestions. (we have him in a crate at night time, right beside my bed - he will still sometimes, if I don't wake up and take him out go in his crate, so I can't just ignore him and hope he goes back to sleep.

Hi Sandy!
Yorkies can be a challenge to housetrain, they are either a breeze or a nightmare, however you are on the right track to a breezy pup. It sounds like he has the idea so heres what I would suggest
    Yorkies need between 1/2 cup tp 3/4 cup of food a day. Since this isn't alot of food you need to make sure you are feeding him a good quality food, meat based not corn or chicken based, you will find this info on the dog bag of ingredients , it will be the first ingredient on the list.
Also make sure at least 1/2 cup of his food per day is dry  not canned. Try splitting this food up between two feedings instead of three and make his last meal at bout 6 pm and take him out about 10 minutes after feeding him and then make sure you take him out right before you go to bed. Remember to treat him when he goes outside to potty and remember that one bite of a favorite treat is plenty for a yorkie...and in respect one full size dog bone is the same as a meal to his tiny tummy.
 Night time
     Yorkies kidney functions are not fully developed until they are almost 6-7 months old so you will have watch him carefully. If he is defecating or urinating in his kennel, that means the crate is too big. He should be put in acardboard box with high sides and only big enough to lay down in. And yes when he whines he has to go outside.
If you dont stay consistent with this he will get confused and you will have the nightmare yorkie. As he gets older usually around 6 months he will be able to make it thru the night.
 Congrats on doing a fine job with your baby and make sure he is getting plenty of water on the warmer days and keep him eating well as yorkies can get hypoglycemic easily