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Puppy with anxiety

18 17:50:31

Hello Dr. Ruhwiedel,

I have a pup that is about 10 months now. I have the same issue as <> minus the chewing and a lot more barking.

My wife and I have been talking with our vet and have tried out many different techniques.  Bosko (my puggle) is now on anti depressants in order to try and control his anxiety (not working).

There is no doubt in anyones mind (including boskos) that he is our pup and we are the leaders. He trains well. He has strict rules. He only gets affection when its deserved. Hes nutty and my wife and I love him to death but it is getting to the point that we may get evicted from our appartment if he doesn't calm down. His barking, when left alone, is more of a scream than a bark.

Please help!!!


Drugs don't cure problems, they mask them. It may be easier for your neighbors for your dog to be zonked out, but not on the dog. The dog's mental issue remains unbated. As with the puggle, you need to find the cause of the dogs anxiety and deal with that. It may not be as simple as separation anxiety. There are many causes that trigger this behavior. Early puppyhood experiences, environmental and biological.  

You likely need to find a local behaviorist to work with to find and cure the cause-effect relationship.  

Desensitization deals with environmental triggers. Operant training (reward/no reward) can deal with most mental and environmental triggers and nearly all experiential triggers. Training and desensitization slowly dull and remove the stimulus and replace it with new bahavior patterns that are desired vs undesired.

There are dogs with biological mental issues that cannot be delt with. These are caused usually by breeding and gene issues, trauma or violent experieences.  

I would suggest contacting hte AKC or APDT to find a behaviorist expert in your area.


Henry Ruhwiedel