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Poops & Pees in crate

18 18:00:14

Our 1 year old English Bulldog pees & poops in her crate or anywhere she feels the need. When we purchased her off the Internet we thought we were purchasing her from the actual breeder but after giving our money we were told she would be shipped from another country from a "friend" of the breeder.  She was forced to relieve herself in her crate on the long flight. We have an 8 year old English Bulldog and have never had any problems. We are very familiar with the breed and their issues but have never encountered a problem like this.  The crate is the correct size, we took the bedding out and have her on a schedule.  She knows what to do when taken out to potty and understands the commands we use. She just doesn't care if she is sitting in pee and will go when she feels the need instead of holding it.  We appreciate any advice you can give us.
Thank you!!

With dogs that are used to going potty in the crate, you have to lower your expectations and take her out much more frequently until you get her on track.

Also make sure you reward her with something outstanding when she does go potty in the proper location.

You should also make sure she is in a long term confinement area with newspapers or puppy pads when you can't take her out frequently. You want to make sure she doesn't go in the crate.

Good luck,