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potty training

18 17:47:29

We got my beabull early last month and when we first got him he was doing great with training. We were always going outside with him and making sure he did his business before he came back in, about a three weeks to a month into potty training we stopped going outside with him because we don't want him to think we are always going to go out with him and play and wait for him to finish. Now he refuses to go outside unless its out the front door because he knows that he is going for a ride if he is going out the front door. We either have to carry him outside or i have to drag him. He potties in the house, and he even peed in my bed twice. I don't get it. I tried going back out with him but he still doesn't want to go. I have to still drag him out and when i take him he doesn't play the way he used to he just sits and watches. He will play if i start running with him around the back yard but he doesn't play with his toys or even sticks. He used to love those things... Please help me, how do i get my puppy to stop using the house as his toilet and not wanting to go out and let me know when he needs to go out?

Hi Alyssa,

Please provide some additional information in order for me to adequately answer this question. How old is your puppy? How long have you had him exactly and how long have you been working on housebreaking him exactly? How old was he when you got him? What method have you used? Have you used any punishment when he has accidents in the house? Have you used potty pads?

Thank you.
