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dog needs own bed

19 8:58:05

My 2 yr. old daschund has taken over our bed. It's time for her to sleep in her own bed. I've tried several times but,she always ends up back in the bed. Do you have any easy solutions?


Your Daschound has learned she can sleep on the bed, so now wonders why she can't. So she has taught you to let her sleep on the bed. You need to be the pack leader. You didn't mention if the dog has had obedience training. If not, start now. If she has, then you need to set up a crate, put her bedding inside with a chew toy or a small amount of food (a tablespoon). Keep her in the crate either in the room or in another part of the house. Do not let her on the bed ever again.

Obviously, there will be an adjustment period until she understands that your bed is not her bed. Do not give in. After a while,l she will adapt to the crate and bedding. Eventually you can eliminate the crate and she will just go to her bed. Typically this will take 2-4 months because the dog has to unlearn the nauighty behavior.

Do not scold the dog. Reward the dog when she is in the crate on her bedding: the tablespoon of food for starting, then just praise. We tell our dogs "home" and they know that means to get in their crate for the night.

When you let her out in the morning, tell her good dog, do a quick potty trip and then breakfast. That should be her new routine. Being in her bed is rewarded. The opposite of reward is not punishment, it is no reward.

I hope this helps you.


Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC
Crown Point, IN