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dog wont use doggie door

18 18:03:02

Hi, Ann,
I asked you this question before and just clicked on the link you suggested but it was to a dog collar company and I couldn't find anywhere that it referred to doggie door training. My male cocker still will not pee outside by himself. He is not afraid of the door in the least. But he hasn't made the connection that he can use THAT door to get to his toilet. He will go only when I escort him. I have no clue how to deal with this.  Sorry for the redundant question but I couldn't find any info on the posted link...perhaps you meant to post a diffferent one? Thank  you once again for your time


I think it's just that the site redirects you to the home page.  Try this:  Go to  At the left, scroll down and click on "site map".  When you get to that page, scroll down to "Articles on Health and Training", then click on "Training a Dog to Use a Dog Door".