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Housebroken puppy urinating on couch!

19 9:01:31

Hello, my Rat Terrier is nine months old and has been housebroken since she was five months old.  I crate trained her, and when I noticed she was doing well a month and a half ago, I started letting her out in one room during the day.  She was doing fine until she started going to the bathroom in the house during the day.  I then started to put her back in the crate.  The past two weeks she has been urinating and defecating in the house.  It seems like she doesn't even ring the bell I hung on the door to go outside and go to the bathroom anymore.  She ignores it (she used to use it all the time when she had to "go").  Just now, she urinated on the couch on a blanket! I have no idea what is going on and how to deal with this... Like I said before, she was housebroken for months without having an accident.  What should I do?!

HI Jamie,

Whenever a house-trained dog starts making mistakes in the house, I think a trip to the veterinarian is in order to rule out urinarty tract infections, etc.

Once your dog has a clean bill of health,  I'd go back to crate training to remind her about good house habits. 9 months is awfully young to have stopped the crate training and it never hurts to go back to managing it while you train her through this.

Have you changed her food? Given her something that may not be agreeing with her?

I would go back to crate training for several more months.
