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Sheltie goes nuts for school bus!

18 17:52:50

And I am getting sooooo fed up

First a little back ground on Ruckus.

He has has issues his whole life. He was aggressive and very fearful of most anything from socked feet to words starting with the letter "V". I saw a behaviorist who recommended having him PTS. Luckily soon after my vet found a combination of meds that worked wonders for him. but he is still not your normal average dog. He goes from calm, to extremely worked up with not much in between.

When Ruckus is outside in our large fenced yard and he even hears the school bus, he runs around barking and growling, and then re directs his aggression at my other dog. he does NOT hurt her, but knocks her on the ground. it doesnt hurt her feelings at all, she gets right back up and acts normal. but it pains me to see this.
I normally do not walk the dogs when we might run into a bus on our walk, but sometimes it still happens.
Both dogs lunge and pull. they bark and growl, and they have even tangled me up and tripped me. Sometimes Ruckus will redirect his aggression on my other dog, or me.

I am only having this issue with the school bus. Thank goodness, it used to be with anything that moved!

The way I have been treating Ruckus's behavior to the school bus is just to avoid it. It is so easy to mess Ruckus up, its easier for me just to avoid problem situations. But if he hears the school bus when he is in the house he goes crazy too!

does anyone have any tips on getting him to stop doing this?

I dont think that Ruckus is scared of the school buss. Ears are erect, tail is up in the air, and he runs toward it.

I could get a video tomorrow morning if i needed to!

thanks for any help at all. I am getting so discouraged!

Nearly everything you have done is avoiding dealing with and therefor furthering not correcting the behavior.  If you would like assistance with this I would be willing to help but I would prefer we talk on the phone.  Everything you've said in your statement has simply furthered his behavior.  If you are serious about truly wanting to modify his behavior to be more acceptable and are willing to listen and apply the necessary protocol I will help.  It will take a little commitment on your part but once you understand and have experience with the 1,2, Good Dog! process you will be very comfortable in dealing with most any behavior problems.  I am available most days until 10pm Pacific Time.  You can reach me at 509-991-0385  simply ask for Dr. Hogan  All I as for in return is to be able to use your name and success story in my writings.  If you prefer we can schedule a time to talk on the phone.  Email me and let me know