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puppy crate training

18 17:58:44

hello. i am trying to crate train my puppy. she sleeps in her crate every night (with the door open) but when i close the door and leave her in there, she starts crying and whining. i've tried putting her in the crate a couple of times but she started whining in less than a minute. what should i do the nest time she keeps whining, ignore it and keep her in there or take her out and keep trying?

Unless she is hurting herself, you can ignore the whining. It's just attention. Alot of dogs whine when there is someone around and then stop as soon as they realize they're wasting their time. It'll help her to give her a long-lasting treat like a bully stick or a knuckle bone or a stuffed Kong toy to keep her mind off things.
Read my article at for more crate training tips.