Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Chewing/Stealing


18 17:46:28

my shih-tzu Clarkie is 21 months old. he's well trained in all areas, including knowing what toys are his which toys are not for dogs. Still, any chance he gets to run upstairs into the kids room to steal small plastic toys and destroy them, he will. If I catch him with it I say "Clarkie, drop it" and he does and then backs away from it, this is how I know he's aware it's not his. However, he will still steal them the moment I take my eye off him! also, he steals pens and pencils like it's his job!! those are the only items though, toys(barbies, binkies, doll shoes..." and pens. How can I make him stop doing this??

Hello Karisa:

Toy stealing is often an attention getting tactic.

therefore, do not give him your direct attention.

Rather pretend you did not see him with the object, do something, like fluff a cousion or straighten a curtain, then walk towards his treat jar.  Once he hears the treat jar, he will come running and mosst of the time have dropped the object on the way.  

Ask him to do something, sit, down, shake a paw, then give a treat.

The idea is, when he realises he will not get your attention for stealing he'll stop.