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crate training two dogs

18 17:51:33

My husband and I intend to get puppies ideally close together.  We would like to crate train them, and I have a lot of questions on the subject.  Should we have two separate crates? How do we keep them out of each other's crate/should we?

Look through my other answers here and you will see some explanations of how to crate train without me having to re-explain it.  It is important to understand that crate training and house/potty training are two separate processes.  Crate training first--  this is where the pup/dog learns to identify the crate as its private area and a safe place; basically it's den.  Once this is accomplished you can then use the crate as a tool to teach the dog to go potty where you choose.  These are both explained in my answers to other questions on this site.  If you want to get ahead of the game I would suggest you purchase my booklet ONE, TWO, GOOD DOG!  Here is the page:  This will cover all of the basics from teaching praise and control to basic obedience as well as how to deal with potty training and basic behavioral issues like jumping up.  It is written with the average dog owner in mind using everyday terms and focusing on a 5 minute teaching process.

As far as the number of crates it is really up to you if you use one or two crates.  If the dogs will be larger breed I would suggest using separate crates as this will prove convenient if you choose to use them in transporting.  If you start the crate training at a very young age then you can get by with a larger crate than if you were dealing with a problem of them urinating or defecating in their crates.  This usually doesn't occur with pups that are crate trained prior to house training.  They will learn which crate belongs to which dog as long as that is what you teach them.  Usually both dogs using one crate doesn't present issues and sometimes can even help with the crate training process as they have each other for company.  It really depends on your preferences.  If you need additional assistance or clarification feel free to call.
Dr. Hogan 509-991-0385 until 10 pm Pacific time