Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > my Bitch has just ahd puppies and is now peeing on the sofa please help!!

my Bitch has just ahd puppies and is now peeing on the sofa please help!!

18 17:53:54

my golden retriever bitch has recently had 7 puppies. before she had the puppies she would go outside to do her business, but now she deliberately wont go outside and waits until our backs are turned and does her business on the sofa, even if we try and block the sofa so she cant get on it she always finds a way to get on there. she has also done it on our bed and my children bed. is there any particular reason why she is doing this? and what can we do to help her? we praise her if on the rare occasion she goes outside but this is not very often please help us!

Hi Kirk!

Das ist ganz einfach - that's very easy to manage:

She had babies and she just doesn't want to leave them.


Get an X-pen (Research what an Xpen is online if it's not familiar to you) to keep her with the puppies. YOU need to put her on a leash and take her outside to go potty or she will not do it. You may also take one of the babies with you so she can do her do.

And a note from me, the rescuer: Unless your Golden, whom I'm sure of is extremely beautiful, hasn't been seen by a Judge, hasn't had her hips/knees CERF, blood tests done (Checked for cancer traces), heart/lung tested, have her spayed. Germany requires a license for breeding to avoid birth defects/flaws and true pure breeding. I'm a former Army-wife, now living in America but born/raised in Wuerzburg, Germany.

I hope the potty issue solution will work for you - also, put her water outside so she has another reason to want to go outside to potty. Make sure you take her out frequently, every two hours as she needs to stay hydrated and often after birth her bladder might be a bit week.

Good luck and feel free to delight me with some pics of the babies and mom in the future, including an update. You can directly e-mail me at

And I apologize for being so direct, as a "Complete" canine educator and forward-trotting German I don't leave leafs unturned.