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A potty trained poodle peeing inside

18 17:47:50

I have a 7 month old male poodle that is potty trained that wont stop peeing in the house. He was amazingly easy to potty train because his breeder started taking them outside to potty when they were really little so that helped. But here recently he has started peeing in the house and as soon as he does he will go hide because he knows he's not supposed to do it in the house! I need help because if he keeps it up my parents wont let me keep him.

Is this dog still intact and not neutered?  If so, this could be "urine-marking" not a house training failure.  The simple solution is to neuter the dog to see if you can stop it.  
If he is already neutered, the first thing to do is find out if he has a urinary tract infection.  If your vet rules that out, then look to behavior.  Has anything changed about his living arrangement, or the makeup of the people or animals in the home?  Is there anything that could make him anxious enough to begin scent-marking to comfort himself.  The worst thing you can do is scold him (which forces him to hide, and makes him even more anxious - which is harmful if anxiety is the cause of his urinating in the home.)  
Your parents should be supportive of you finding out what the problem is, as I'm sure they would want to model responsible pet parenting for you.  Ask them to go with you to the veterinarian with your dog to check the things I mentioned.  If it is behavioral, you can help your dog by simply going back to house training 101 and beginning again.  That often helps in situations where there has been a move, or another event, that confuses the dog temporarily.  Good luck!