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dog peeing in the house

18 17:48:34

We have had "Lucy" for about 5 years she's a shitzu (for about 7 years) she is smart as a whip .... I know she is very stubborn and has in th epast out of Spite,gone to the bathroom in the huse (always same area on the rug) - I give it a really good cleanning, generally use the rug scrubber.. recently, she has been doign it more and more. I cant think of anythign that has changed in the household to "upset her" and she has more than enough opportunity to go outside. She goes to the Vet on a regular basis and is healthy. I certianly don't "beat" her when she does this in the house, I always bring her to the spot and (old school) put her nose in it and give her a slight swat on the behind and send her to her crate... 9 out of 10 times, as soon as I "step" in the wet area and just LOOK at her, she goes to her crate herself I know she knows... After I clean the area I inspect it as I reallt never smell anything - maybe I am not getting the smell out all the way (and she can still smell it) I love Lucy, but this is getting ridiculous. Any suggestions....

Dogs don't eliminate in the house out of spite, they do it either to relieve pressure on the bladder or because they are anxious or stressed.  They can develop patterns of behavior that become engrained after just a couple of weeks or even days.  (Example:  try and move a dog's food bowl to a new place - they'll go back to the old place for a long time!)

At seven years old, she needs a full vet checkup that includes a urinalysis to rule out any possibility of a UTI or other infection that could be causing this change in behavior.

As you've discovered, rubbing her nose and spanking her doesn't teach her not to use the carpet.  It just teaches her when you look at that place in the carpet you get angry  (try it sometime when she HASN'T wet there). She's escaping to avoid punishment, but doesn't make any connection to what she's done there hours before.  Unless you catch her in the act, scolding does no good.  

Since you have a crate, use it.  When you can't monitor Lucy's whereabouts, she should be crated - or at least prevented from entering the room that she's using as a toilet.  Use baby gates or other barricades to keep her in the room that you're in.  When you leave the house, crate her.  

When you let her out to potty, go with her (on leash if necessary if she tends to play around instead of doing her business).  Be sure she eliminates and when she does, reward her with praise and a small treat.  If she doesn't go after 3 minutes, bring her back in the house, crate her and try again after 30 minutes.  Don't permit free run of the house unless you are certain her bladder is empty.

You're basically going to have to go back to puppy housetraining with her:

(1) Control the environment - Don't allow her access to the areas she's had accidents in for at least 2 weeks.

(2) Management - Use the crate.  No freedom in the house.

(3) Training - Go outside with her and reward her when she does what you want (potty outside).

Good luck.  Let me know if you have any follow up questions or comments.  I'm sure you'll be able to get Lucy back on track with a little work - but be absolutely sure there's nothing medical going on.