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My dog is starving himself

18 17:48:07

I have a 2 year old lhasa apso male that I adopted from a shelter a little over a month ago. I don't know his past history, I think he might have been a stray but I'm not sure. He is a very good dog, but extremely stubborn and picky. I've easily crate trained him with no problem and he knows his boundaries in the house like not to go near the trash etc. He is very picky about his food. I've spend a lot of money trying different brands of food trying to satisfy his eating. He will not eat hard food at all and starves himself to the point where he vomits up yellow liquid. When I mix in his dry food with soft food, he eats the soft food and plucks out the hard food all over the floor. If I give him all soft food he will eat it all. If I give him all hard food he will not touch it and starves. I don't know how to resolve this issue. I've tried leaving the dry food out 15-20 min and then taking it away when he doesn't eat to see if that will get him to eat when it's put it front of him but that doesn't work. I don't know what to do.

The second issue I am having is I'm trying to get him to use pee pads. He will hold himself with no problem and wait for me to take him out. Sometimes I work later and am gone for longer periods than usual and winter is approaching and I would love for him to use the pee pads inside when I can't get him outside. I don't think he likes to use them though. He went twice on the in the house when I first bought the pads and after that he just won't use it again. do you have any suggestions for this?

Trina, please talk with your vet first about the dog vomiting up a yellow liquid.  Be sure this is nothing medical.  Make sure his teeth are healthy and there is no gum disease.

Dogs aren't anorexic creatures.  They won't starve themselves to death.  However, they can be picky eaters. Your dog has learned that if he holds out long enough, something better will come along.  He's trained you to go buy that soft yummy wet food.  Quality canned food isn't bad for the dog, just expensive to feed. If you only feed canned, then you'll have to also brush teeth regularly and keep up a schedule dental cleaning.

Be sure that the kibble you're feeding is a premium food and it's appropriately sized for a small dog.  There should be no corn or corn products or any by-products in the ingredient list.  The Whole Dog Journal has the best information on good dog foods, dry and wet.

Try a different protein source.  If you've given a quality food with chicken as the main ingredient, try lamb or salmon - something new.  

The first time you prepare the bowl, add a bit of warm water to the bowl, just enough to moisten it and to bring out the smell.  Leave it on the counter or table for a few minutes, enough for it to soften and have the scent of the food waft through the air.

Put the bowl down for 15 minutes.  After that, pick up whatever is not eaten (if anything) and save for later.  Give the option to eat twice a day.  No treats in-between.  Get rid of all the wet food in the house if you are dedicated to not feeding it, so you won't be tempted to add some to his bowl.  

To teach him to use the pee pads again, take one outside when he has to elminate and catch some urine on it.  Put that soiled pad near the door, so he'll understand that it's OK to pee there.

Good luck!  Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.