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Yorkie crate training

18 17:56:35

My Yorkie is almost 5 months old and we just got her a few days ago. I have never crate trained before but heard it was the best way. The person we got her from said she was crate trained but I don't think so. She doesn't pee or poop in the crate but she also doesn't always go outside. Sometimes she goes outside but sometimes she goes in the house. I take her out in the morning, after she eats or drinks (30 minutes afterwards), after playing, every 3 hours, and before bed. But sometimes she just will not go outside so I bring her in and put her in the crate. Do I let her out every 10 minutes until she goes? She loves to be outside so I as soon as we go out she just rolls around and plays with her leash and it drives me nuts! I just want her to go! I stay out with her for about 10 minutes at the most and then we come back in. I don't know what to do!

Hi, Lindsey,

First of all, being "crate trained" means the dog will not eliminate in the crate; since you say she doesn't pee or poop in the crate, she IS crate trained.

What she is NOT is housebroken.  So, I'm sending you some information on the housebreaking process.  If you have any questions or concerns after reading the documents, please feel free to email me again.