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about shih tzu

19 9:10:05

thats good enough for me coz u know i read lots of info on how to train a puppy. Then theres 1 that say my procedure on training him really does not work it say to my email that " You can't let them outside "periodically" -- that's called
'scheduling' and honestly it just doesn't work.( what it means is that i take my pup outside with me every 2 to 3 hrs a day and he said it will not work coz he said that the pup thinks where out to play).  Because you have to
watch the dog for the signals that the dog has to GO, and then take it out.....
As of now when hes in crate i watch the sign if he needs to go out so i have schedule to let him out with leashed and he always pee in the same area in our backyard which is a good sign he is learning. I take him out every 2.3 hrs a day. And i dont know what to follow.  WHen hes 2 moth old he already learned to potty in the paper so hes train to that last week i bought a crate for him and im happy everytime i take him out he do his business there. Its just that when his inside the house i have to watch him coz as u said he still cant coltrol his bladder. Do you think i should continue to schedule him  going outside or do i need to leashed him all day with me inside the house and watch for his signs? You think if i continue one of this it will work when he get older enough to realize he needs to go out without me? i am confused which i will followed.
Aslo. his particular in his food.  He dont like anyfood except meat. I bought a dog treat but he dont like it too.
thanks again for your reply

Actually, Joy, 'scheduling' does work, but when you take the puppy out, he should be on leash, and you should not allow him to run around and play. You should either take him for a short walk to stimulate him to potty, or take him to one spot in the yard and stand there as boring as you possibly can until he goes. Then, and only then, do you become happy and animated and allow him to run around and play. By doing this, he learns that playtime only comes AFTER he goes to the bathroom. If he doesn't go within 10 minutes when you take him out, just take him back inside and either put him in his crate for up to 15 minutes, or keep him attached to you with the leash for up to 15 minutes and try again.

It goes without saying that no matter how often you take him out, you STILL must keep an eye on him when he's loose in the house, for signs that he's getting ready to go again, and immediately take him out when you see those signs.

It really doesn't matter if you continue to take him out every couple of hours, or if you just keep him attached to you and watch for the signs. Both ways do work, so just do whichever is more convenient for you!

What kind of food are you feeding him, and what breed is he again?