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11mo Lab/Pointer mix problems

19 8:58:54

Hi Erica,

We have an 11 month old Lab/Pointer (and a few other breeds) mix who constantly picks stuff up while on walks and occasionally eats other dog's poop (especially at the dog park when she's 20 feet away and she knows we won't get to her in time).  She's an expert at drop it/leave it, but she still grabs almost everything in sight.  Due to this, she's had Giardia three times in the 9 months we've had her (she had it when we adopted her, so she's got it twice more since).

The Vet seems to think that it's due to picking up an infected item or eating infected poop, as she doesn't drink from wild water sources (just good-ol' Virginia tap water).  He suggested walking her with a toy but she'll only carry it for a few feet and then drop it and try to find something new (kind of like doggy ADHD).  Short of walking her with a muzzle, what can we do?  She just hasn't learned not to pick up stuff or eat poop (we're more interested in her learning not to eat poop).  She's very smart and we've taught her plenty of tricks, which she picks up faster than any dog either of us has ever owned, but she doesn't seem to learn not to do this.


Many times dogs that are not receiving adequate nutrition from their food will eat poop.  It sounds like this is now a habit which is not being helped by the dog park-if there is poop lying around or toys that may have been in contact with an ill dog and she has gotten sick since going to this park, I would stay FAR away from it.

Restrict her movement on walks so she is unable to reach the objects she typically picks up-keep the leash a bit shorter.  You do not want her walking on a tight leash necessarily, just a length that keeps her mouth under control.  You can also try a horn, compressed air or plastic bottle/aluminum can with about 10 pennies in it and use them to distract her before she picks up the offending item/substance.  When she startles at the noise reward her and redirect her attention to a toy.