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dog shots

19 8:59:20

what shots does a pomeranian that is 1 year old, never had any shots, need?

Hi Vada,

The vaccinations required are dependent upon where you live. In the United States, all dogs are required by law to have rabies vaccination.  After that, you should consult with your veterinarian about which vaccinations are required for your area. In big cities with large rat populations, veterinarians often will vaccinate against leptospirosis. If your dog is never around other dogs or boarded, you might be able to forego the bordatella vaccines. Most veterinarians will suggest vaccinating against parvo, distemper and hepatitis. Some will suggest vaccinating against Lyme disease but there is a lot of controversy about that. Dr. Jean Dodd has a vaccination schedule that you can look up on the internet.  I suggest consulting your veterinarian.
