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Excessive Barking While Not Home

19 9:00:54

I have a 2.5 year old male boxer.  Recently i received a complaint from my apartment complex that he is barking excessively while i am not home.  I have to keep him in his crate when i leave for my classes because he will soil all over the house due to his anxiety.  In the crate he will not soil at all.  When i leave the house and put him in, he does not like it but does not cry or bark.  Also, when i return i do not hear barking upon my arrival.  However, i am being told he is baring while i am not there.  They have threatened to evict me if i cannot rectify the situation within 10 days.

I don't know what to do, he is fine while i am home, no barking.  How can i train him to not bark when i am gone if no one is there to reprimand him for this behavior.  I refuse to get rid of my dog, but i do not want to be evicted.  He has a deep, loud bark and i am sure it is not pleasant to hear at 7 in the morning when i leave.

Hello Lindsey,

Normally excessive barking is caused by lack of exercise.
My normal advice would be to make some arrangement to give your dog more work.

However, since in the short term you face a dire emergency (eviction) I would recommend that you purchase a bark collar. These are fastened around the dog's neck and provide a mild shock when the dog barks. The dog will quickly learn not to bark. Do an internet search and you should find plenty of bark collars you can order.

Good Luck!