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housebreaking abused puppy

18 17:57:11

We were recently given a Chihuahua x pom mix puppy by a friend of our neighbors.  All we know about him is that he is about 11 months old, and we were told that his first owner locked him in the bathroom all the time.  He was fed and used the bathroom all in that one room.  Then he was taken in by someone else and we don't know that history.  Our problem is that he won't stop peeing on the rug next to his food bowl.  We have 4 children who take him out several times a day on walks and in our backyard.  We take him out right before bed and as soon as we wake up.  He seems to relieve himself at night when we are sleeping.  What should we do?

First, do not leave his food out and do not let him have access to his feeding area between feedings. Put the food down for 15 minutes and then pick it up until the next feeding time (talk to your vet about the right feeding schedule and amounts of food for your dog)

If he isn't crate trained, you should do that now but considering his history I would only close him in the crate at night. Visit my article at for more information on that.

Also, I suggest obedience training, preferably using the clicker or another positive method. Dogs who are obedience trained have a clearer understanding of what is expected of them and are more confident. Once he understands the clicker, you can click and treat him when he goes potty where he's supposed to. Even without that, make sure he is always praised and rewarded when he goes potty outside.