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dog schools

18 18:00:54


Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail.  I am looking to rescue a Shepherd puppy in about 2 months and would like to know what some of the different training/ schools that is productive for this breed and my goals.  For example, I like the regimen of the Schutzhund training courses.  I am looking for the dog to be a family dog and also a dog that will protect the kids/family in a situation.  I understand that the dog will naturally do this; however, I would like the dog to have a formal training.  When I was younger I had a Shepherd/ Akita mix and a Rottweiler too for about 11 years, so I am familiar with dominant breeds that need a lot exercise, discipline, and a goal. Are there any school you recommend like the Schutzhund training/course.

Thank you for you time and expertise.


Hi John

Thank you for your question.  Firstly, I am in the UK - you don't say where you are but I am guessing the US so I may not be able to recommend anywhere specific but I can give you general advice.

You say you are 'rescuing' a puppy so you will need to take into account previous experiences it has had.  GSDs are often much more fearful and sensitive that Rotties/Akitas so training needs to be carried out with care and sensitivity.  I suggest you attend many different training clubs before you get your dog, just to watch.  The modern methods of training mean fear, punishment and force are not necessary for effective dog training and places which still practice these techniques (there are many!) are outdated and doing damage to dog/owner relationships everywhere.  So, look for one which uses positive, motivational methods (such as treats, praise, toys and play), where you can learn the skills to get your dog to want to work for you, not by being bullied into it.  Such a dog will naturally protect you if threatened because it will have a good bond with you.

sorry I am unable to be more specific but well done for being prepared.   Do some more research and I'm sure you will find a good trainer.

All the best
