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My pound puppy...

19 8:57:49

My boyfriend and I have spent hours apon hours researching housetraining. We have tried everything. But we can't get out choc. lab to stop going in the house. We have a special situation though and there's almost nothing online that is helpful. See, we got her from the pound so the basic instinct of don't pee and poop where you eat and sleep was ruined. Kennle training has been very hard for us and she doesn't seem to get it. We've tried potty pads aswell and she just chews them up. Another wierd thing....she keeps eating holes in my carpet, but that I'm not nearly as bothered by as the fact that I can't get her to stop peeing in the house. How do we do about training a pound puppy? She isn't a clean slate like a puppy from a home, you know? I just really could use some advice, b/c i'm almost to the point of giving up....



An easy way of potty training is keeping her on consistent potty times so she has no time to make a mistake. Set up times that you stick to like clock work for her to go out. Upon waking, after meals and before bed and during the day (depending how long she is left.) Very young dogs have less control as older dogs are able to hold it a bit longer.REWARD with a yummy treat at first when she has done the deed outside so it becomes a habit.
If you find that she is going in the house in the same spot, I would suggest that you clean that spot with a dog neutralizer project. Just using household products will not clean it properly. Dogs have a knee sense of smell (we can't smell it but they can) and will be able to tell where they have gone before.
Work on the crate, this is her safe place. Have a special toy that she is allowed to have when she is in the crate only.When she feels that this is hers, thats when the potty will stop in the crate because it now has become her territory.  
My rule to my clients is... If you can't trust or watch your dog 100 percent then it needs to be in a safe place.
When she soils in the house if you don't see her doing it, its hard to correct. Only correct things the time they are being done, this way they learn what to or not to do.
I wish I had an easy answer for you, dogs are all different, being a pound puppy has not ruined her, it just has put her potty training back a bit. Take the time and work with her, do some basic obedience training this will help you connect with her.

Please let me know how she is getting on.
