Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > PEE PAD FOR OLDER DOG


19 8:57:04

I adopted an older dog and she is great when I am home she lets me know when she wants to go out.  She drinks a fair amount of water so she goes about every 3 hours.  She wakes me at night to let her out.  During the work week I am gone 10 hours a day.  I don't like crates and tried confining her to a open room with pee pads but when I let her out she wants nothing to do with that room and dislikes going there every day.  How can I train her on pee pads with out it seeming like a punishment?

If she's drinking that much water, I would have the vet run some tests to make sure her kidneys are functioning properly. Is she using the pee pads at all, when you confine her to whatever room you are putting her in? Is it possible for you to install a doggie door for her (ie: is your yard fenced), so that she can let herself out when you are not there?

If she is not 'going' on the pee pads when you are not there, she needs a smaller space. Try the x-pen technique as described at