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british bulldog toilet training

18 18:00:12

we have recently taken on a 6 month old british bulldog puppy. he was reared in an environment with lots of other canine company aswell as human socialisation. in the short weeks we have had him he has come on leaps and bounds with leaning to walk on a lead, as he was used to just roaming the breeders wide grounds when let out, and he knows that when we take him out that is when he can do his business.  however it seems like he is still having some trouble with weeing in the house,and he doesnt give us signs like he does before he is due his walk,trust me ive thought long and hard to look out for the signs. sometimes he has an 'accident' 15-20mins after being taken out having done his business outdoors. he seems to sometimes to it in selective areas and other times it seems random.  he has also been weeing in his bed which i thought was unheard of in the doggie world as they like to keep a clean bed. we have tried everything we can think of, and are getting desperate because we love him so much and just want him to get this one problem sorted. thankyou for taking the time to read this i look forward to your advice.

You should take your dog to the vet and have him checked for a urinary tract infection. This is a relatively common problem that can be quite serious in male dogs.

Other than that, I would keep him on the leash in the house within arms distance of you so that you can give him a firm NO and get him out the door quick if he starts to go. Keep him in a crate otherwise and remove his bedding so he can't hid his puddles in it. Your description of the issue, however, leads me to believe that a veterinarian may have an answer for you. This doesn't sound as much like a housebreaking issue as a health issue. Only the vet knows for sure!