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pooping in the house at 8 months old

19 9:03:56

my 8 month old boxer keeps pooping and peeing in the house even if it is 20 minutes after we let him out to potty.  i don't want to get rid of him but its to much stress on me being 8 months pregnant!! i dont know what to do anymore please help!! i just don't understand why he does it!!

Hi Bre,

I don't know why he does it either. But let's try to fix it.

First, he can't be allowed to go inside your house. To discourage this, make sure you have removed all traces of his past mistakes with a pet specific cleaner. Keep him on a leash when in the house tied to your belt or place him in his crate. If you don't have a crate, get one. Bottom line is that you cannot let him out of your sight unless he is in his crate.

Second, establish regular times when he goes outside. Perhaps every 3 hours. Go out with him and if he goes praise him. Should he have an accident in the house, correct him sternly and drag him to his bathroom outside. Offer him a choice of going in the house and getting corrected or going outside and getting praise. With your consistency and patience he'll choose to go outside.

Good Luck!