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Biting - is this agressive or not?

18 17:53:43

My male maltese is 13 weeks old and I have had him for 2 weeks.  He is constantly trying to bite my hands while we are playing or bite my heels and socks while I am walking by.  I know that this is normal puppy behavior.  However, there are times when he growls and tries to bite me, harder than playtime.  If I try to groom him, he growls and tries to bite me hard.  Also, he has ear mites, so this requires daily ear drops.  He growls and tries to bite me HARD during these times as well.  I had a maltese prior to this one and I never had any of these problems.  I am trying to decide whether to keep him or not, as the growling and trying to bite me while we are not playing is making me worry how he will grow up to be.

No, it's not true aggression, if you define aggression as the intent to harm.  It's a normal fiesty puppy who has not be taught bite inhibition (google this) or been diciplined for biting.  I would not give up a puppy for this reason, anymore than I'd give up any dog for a behavior that is natural.  I would suggest going to a puppy class, now.  Obedience class helps you establish some leadership and reinforce the good behaviors you want.  

You want to counteract this behavior now.  You want to get him used to being handled, as well as having other people handle him, because nobody wants to have a dog that is untouchable.  A lot of groomers do puppy grooms for a good price, to get a dog used to this, and he will need a groomer for his life so that's a good idea.  Continue handling him!  Massage his paws, praise him, get him used to all of this.  The biggest thing is not letting the biting happen, keep your hands out of his mouth and don't give him a reaction for it.  Also try replacing your hand with a toy.  Read this article I wrote for more details: