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jealous rottweilers

18 17:48:20

I have 2 rottweilers. diesel i got as a pup, he is now 8yrs old. I also have his son tank, hes 4 now. they r both great dogs. they listen very well. I can take them on a 3 mile jog around other animals and cars without a leash. thats how good they listen. the problem is lately that they r so jealouse of each other.(the older one mostly) that i spend less time w/ them cuz he constantly barks and growls and chews on tank and i dont know what to do. do i seperate them? neither one are fixed. but ive heard its prob too late for that. they listen to everything i say except this. if i love one up the other is pissed off. they r so protective of me, but just w each other. they r not aggressive to ppl at all. they just want all the attention from me. diesel is getting old, but he is soooooo energetic. i just want him to quit being so possessive of me.. and its only w/ tank. just want to b able to enjoy them together. any advice would help. ive had rotts for a long time, and i love them. It scares me that they dont listen to me when they act like that, because i completely take control w them in every other aspect.. any advice would help. i love these boys...

If you love them, neuter them.  It's not too late!  Also, get a trainer or behaviorist to evaluate whether the dogs are a danger to one another.  Also, a trainer can show you how to safely interact with them so that the dogs pay more attention to your cues and less to one another.  One thing you can try is clicker training.  It's a really precise way of telling a dog which behavior you prefer over another.  KPCT web site has a trainer listing.  If you put a video up on youtube, maybe I can take a peek at the behavior for you and get you started.