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Potty training my 4 month old Dachshund

19 9:03:48

Hey. I have a 4 month old Dachshund. We've had him for all most 2 months now and we just cant get him to stop using the bathroom in our house. He hasn't been fixed or any thing like that. We take him outside for sometimes hours at a time three or four times a day and most of the time he'll come right in and poop or pee in the house. Its got to where its a major problem with us now. He'll go anywhere in the house, even on my bed (that was the last straw). We don't really know when he needs to go because he doesn't whine. Please help, We'll be moving in to a new house soon and I don't wont him messing up the new carpet. We are desperate.

Amanda and Robert, please take some time to read through my many previous answers on housetraining, and try to employ some of the suggestions I've given to other owners who are having the same problem you are. Then, if you're still having trouble, write me again and I'll do my best to help you out.

I would recommend that you go ahead and have your boy neutered as soon as possible, so that he does not start marking behavior, which is a totally different problem than simply not being housebroken.