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dog peeing in house

19 8:56:39

my year old rhod. ridgeback does not like to walk on wet grass even though she loves to go swimming in the lake. If there is dew in the morning or the sprinkler went off she won't go outside to pee. I have to force her. I leave the door open and later in the morning if the grass is still wet she will pee and or poop in the house. we had to replace all our carpeting with tile because of her. we are about ready to put her up for adoption if this doesn't stop. what is it with the wet grass? other dog owners tell me they have the same problem.  thank you

I have no idea why some dogs don't like to walk on wet grass. You're just going to have to desensitize her to it by taking her out and walking her on it every day. Take her out to potty on a leash, and praise her when she does!

You might also try getting her some 'boots' to wear.