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new adopted dog

19 9:02:34

My elderly aunt has adopted a dog this last week. When we checked her out
she seemed fine she was at a humane society and had been turned in by a
couple that could not keep her due to a divorce.  She Coco is a 4 1/2 year old
shepard mix about 55 lbs she is about 15 lbs over weight. She is a very sweet
dog and trained, just what we were looking for. Our problem is she ( on her
record her previous owner stated she was timid with strangers) is very timid
or maybe afraid...At the shelter she showed very little if any signs of being
timid. She is house trained and has basic obedience down very well.  We are
having a problem now that she is VERY timid/afraid at the house with anyone.  
...perhaps this is just a new place and she is getting used to it ....I am not
sure.  That is why I need help let it go for now... give her time and she if
she adjusts or start a little training refresher with her and my aunt? Or any
advise? I don't want to push her....
She will eventually accept treats and comes over for a pet once in a while
from my aunt. How long should this last? She has started eating a little now
but didn't eat for a day.
I was at the house ( I do not live there) when we brought her home and
showed her the yard and house, watched her while my aunt had a Dr's
appointment that day.  She seemed ok and not overly shy ...she followed me
around and came when I called, sat for me explored the yard etc.... She tried
to go home with me when I had to leave so I was worried that she may
become bonded to me and not to my aunt.  I decided to not be in the way and
have not been back, just checking with my aunt a few times and once I visited
and noticed the dog still being what I considered afriad/overly shy... but she
is always in the room with whom ever is there, she will follow my aunt all day
into which ever room she is in, and sleeps in the room with my aunt at
night... she does not hide... just keeps her distance from all.
We do not push her but let her come to us for a pet or treat.
Any advise would be helpful.
Thank you, Robin

Hello Robin,

From the previous owner's comments, it appears the dog has a submissive/timid temperament. Therefore, you are right to just go slow and let time be your ally. I would also have your Aunt do the refresher obedience training. Design the training so that there are a great number of positive outcomes where the dog can be rewarded and praised. This should help build her self confidence. Finally, I would suggest that your Aunt give her a good massage every night before bedtime by talking softly to her and stroking her gently all over her body. This will speed up the bonding process and help Coco relax.

I think Coco should be fine in time.

Good Luck!