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best method for walking

19 8:58:37

Hi, I have an 11 month old black lab mix (hes small though, not even 40lbs) and we are having some trouble with him on the leash. Right now we use a choke collar, and that works fine if we are just walking around the neighborhood with little distractions. But if he is in a place where there is a lot of activity (especially with other dogs) he practically chokes himself on the collar. I hate to hear him wheezing and I also hate having my arm practically pulled off. Is there a better method you could recommend that would keep him from choking himself and stop him from pulling so hard so I can stay in control?? We were thinking one of those harnesses that goes around the dog's snout, but do they really work? We don't really want to use a pinch collar on him, I think he would harm himself becasue he would pull anyway like he does now. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks so much for your time!

I would rather see you use an Easy Walk Harness ( or a Gentle Leader or Snoot Loop headcollar.  Using one of those will keep him from being able to pull you so hard while you are in the process of re-training him.  Also, stop thinking about control - after all, it hasn't worked very well thus far, right?  Instead, think about how you can get your dog to think that hanging around your left leg is the best place on earth to be:-))
Think about using clicker training:

As to the pinch collar, I don't recommend that because I prefer the more humane solutions mentioned above.  However, when compared to a choke collar, I much prefer the pinch - because unlike the choke, which can quickly become too snug and not release, the pinch does release whenever the dog lessens the tension on the lead.  But, again, I prefer to opt for having a dog work to get a reward, rather than work to avoid a painful consequence.
Good luck and happy walking!