Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Can you train a bichon frise to live with a rabbit?

Can you train a bichon frise to live with a rabbit?

19 8:56:48

Hi, about three months ago a dog attacked our rabbit. He went into shock but thanks to a very good vet he pulled through. He's completely fine now and we are thinking about getting a bichon frise puppy. Our only worry is would a bichon frise be ok with a rabbit and how would we introduce them? Our rabbit is an outdoor rabbit in a hutch. Next door have a dog which barks sometimes and this doesn't bother him at all. We obviously wouldn't let them out together but the dog would need to be able to go outside without constantly barking at the cage or anything. Would this be possible and how would we go about it?
Thankyou in anticipation of your answer,

Laura, I don't think it will be a problem at all. As long as the rabbit and dog are never going to be loose together, all you should have to do is give the puppy a few corrections if s/he >>does<< bark or otherwise show interest in the rabbit's hutch, and that should be that. If you are unsure how to give a correction, consult with a local trainer who can come to your house and show you.