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19 9:03:24

Hi there!  We have a 1 1/2 old chihuahua that is really starting to live up to his name.  We've had him since he was 8 weeks old and he is really very sweet once he becomes comfortable with people.  When we take him out for walks he goes absolutly crazy whenever he sees another person, dog, ect.  Even if my husband or I are walking up to him from a few feet away.  It was never this bad.  At first it was only if someone came up and tried to pet him but now has turned into whenever they are in sight.  We've tried "leave it" "enough" "pay attention" (having him make eye contact with us as a distraction).  Keep in mind we arent doing these all at once.  These are just differant methods we've tried.  "leave it" seems to work best.  They work most of time but sometimes it's like he goes bazurk and theres nothing you can to to get him to stop barking. Sometimes he will start barking the second he walks out the door.  He has over the past few months started barking at anything he hears outside when his in the house.  We've tired going to the windows and "letting him know he's done his job at alerting us" but when we try to praise him the second he stops barking it's as if he thinks we're tellin him to keep doing it.  If you ignore him when he stops he's less likely to keep going.  We are at a loss as of what to do next other than taking him into crowded places where he wouldn't know who to bark at first in hopes that he would just eventually not care.

Hello Niesa,
It sounds like you are trying all of the correct things and methods that I would have suggested.   

One additional thing you might try is to get a REALLY good treat.  You might have to cook some chicken or get some nice expensive liver treats that dogs seem to really love.     When you go outside and he knows the treats are in your hand, the hopes is that he will be so interested in the treats that he will forget about everything else going on.   Give him a treat and try walking a little distance.  Then give him another one.   If he is barking, don't reward.  Only when quiet.   Try this for a little while and see if you have any luck.

Another option is to use a citronella spray collar.  It works similiar to a shock collar (SOMETHING I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND), but all it does is gives an unpleasant spray when he barks.  It won't hurt him, I've done it to myself to be sure.  But, it will be very annoying to him and it usually stops them from barking.  Use of it for about a week should do the trick.  It works when on walks and in the home.    I'm hoping the make the collars small enough for a little Chi.   Be sure to read all of the directions closely on the box.

Let me know how it goes.