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Housetraining/crate training

18 17:59:00

My husband and I got a cute puggle puppy. He is about 3 and a half month old. He loves being around us and whoever comes by but he hate being in his crate. At night he goes int here and he cries and barks for 30 mins and then he stops. When I put him in there during the day he does the same thing and it breaks my heart. What should I do about him crying in his crate? What can I do to make him like it? The other thing is with going potty. We take him outside and sometimes he goes but if he doesn't we come in and then he goes. It seems like he preffers the carpet then the grass outside. What should I do about that?

First, check out my article at
That should handle your crate training problem.

As for housebreaking: when you take him out, bring treats, tell him "Go potty" and give him treats the minute he urinates or defecates. When he's indoors, he should be in his crate any time that you aren't paying very close attention to him- like you can grab him and take him outside at a moment's notice. Tell him "No" very firmly if he starts to go (he should pause uncertainly at this point) scoop him up and take him out. Tell him "Go potty" and stay there till he does, then give him a treat and tell him how wonderful he is. Leave his leash on him while he runs around the house so he's easier to get ahold of. (for my own dogs I tied the leash to my belt or my ankle during this period)