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puppy will not urinate outside

19 9:05:10

I just bought a 5 month old dachshund.  He will not go pee outside.  He pees in his crate.  His previous owner says he did not have this problem before.  He even peed on a little bed he had outside the crate.  He seems to pee where he sleeps.  I take him outside every 30 minutes but he will not pee until he gets in the crate.  He had a large crate so I bought a smaller one.  I have never seen this problem before and I have crate trained in the past.  What should I do?

First make sure you clean the crate with a cleaner specifically designed to remove pet odors. You can find this at any good pet store. Then make the crate even smaller. Give him just enough room to stand and barely turn around.

It is not normal for a dog to pee in his crate. Without seeing the crate, I'd have to guess that it's too large. If the problem continues, I'd check with a vet.

Good Luck!

Sandy Finley