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How old

19 9:01:24

Hi Fred, my name is Jenna and i have just brought a 5-6 week old purebred male border collie puppy.  And i was just wondering how old does he need to be before i can start training him?

Hi Jenna, depending on who you go to see for the dog training, would depend on the answer to that question, as this is a topic that is highly debated amongst dog trainers.  Some dog trainers wait as long as a year to start any sort of formal training.  Personally, we like to enjoy our dogs at a very young age, and find them very capable of learning quite early, and making them good companions in the house from the get go.  You don't want to expose a puppy that young to too much outside influence because of diseases and such, and it's fairly rare for someone to even have a puppy at 5 weeks of age.  Obviously, it would vary with an individual dog, but we usually start a dog around 10 weeks with their house manners and such, and that could vary with each individual dog a little bit.  Good luck with your puppy!

Fred Hassen
Sit Means Sit Dog Training