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pinscher out of control

18 17:58:48

I just bought a 2 year old dog barks and cries while in the car driving like you are hurting him , also barks and cries when we approach the door inside the house or as soon as he sees that we are putting our jacket on , also jumps and barks when we have visitors, he tends to become extremely nervous and starts barking when ppl get up. the same bahavior accures when we put him in his cage when we have to leave the house , but as no problem sleeping at night in his cage as long as we are in the house,

It sounds like you have an anxious dog.  A couple of things you can do.  Training helps - the more communication there is between you and your dog, the better.  So, it's probably a good idea to sign up with a positive trainer for classes or private lessons in the home.  I like clicker training, because it teaches the dog how to learn, and it doesn't involve punishment, which can make anxious dogs worse. If you can't afford a trainer, you can use the free lessons at  There are some free videos at, too.
For the car, you may want to try a new device, called a "calming cap".  The dog would need to be acclimated to it, but your trainer could help with that.  You can see what they look like at  Another calming device is a DAP (dog appeasing pheromone) diffuser or collar.  I find that it works on some dogs and not others.  Also, some people use supplements such as ProQuiet, or the calming treats, Sniffers 101, while they are working on behavior modification.  
To avoid the crying and barking escalating into separation anxiety, you can use the tricks of the trade in Patricia McConnell's book, "I'll Be Home Soon".  It's inexpensive, and well worth reading.