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potty training an 8mo shitizu

18 17:58:49

I inheritied an 8mo purebred shitizu that was living with a working family,  during the day she was caged in her den and when they get home, she just gets let lose outside in a fenced yard.  she thinks she is an outside dog. and does not get you just go outside do your business and come back.  I have leashed her and will only take her out on her leash, she will hold her pee and poo for two days refusing to go until I let her off her leash and then she will go inside.  once in a while she has gone outside I praised her and gave her a treat.  She is trained to a bell to go outside and that is what she does all day long because she is bored. when she rings the bell, I always take her out, but am rarely successful at her going.  what a mess I am in.  what do I do.  I work for a school. so I wont have any real time until spring break and summer to be consistent with her.  I have been home ill the last three days and have been outside with her more, than in bed.  HELP

Hi, Lorayne!
It can be difficult and frustrating trying to house train a dog when you are not there enough to be consistent.  Don't lose hope, it will just take longer (maybe even until spring break when you can be there more).  Consistency is key!  Try taking your puppy out on a leash, and keeping her in a designated area to go potty.  Don't allow her to roam unless she goes potty.  It may help if you either take her somewhere she has already gone pee or place a rag (that you have used to clean up her pee) where you want her to go so she can smell the clue.  You may want to take her to the vet to be sure she doesn't have any health issues contributing to the issue.  Otherwise, just be consistent!  Good Luck!